Posts Tagged ‘Zuma’

Motivation for Murder (Farm Murders)

February 17, 2017


Anyone  that has watched a crime show knows, that in solving a murder case the detective always looks for the motivation of the murder first. Apparently these are the top 4 motivations for someone to commit murder.

  • The domestic argument
  • Money
  • Revenge
  • Alcohol and drugs

So while looking for a motivation for the Farm Murders we can take number out out immediately. Two I will discuss in a minute and add to the simple money gain, as in stealing a few Rand.

Number  3, revenge we can dismiss, as most of the killers that they have bothered to catch, or maybe just blame, are too young to have “suffered” under the Boer during the “Apartheid Regime.”

Number 4 is neither here nor there, unless taken that no sober person could take on and carry out this type of work.

So, lets take a look at money. How much money is the ANC and particularly Zuma, stealing every month it is in power? Hundreds, thousands, millions? We all have to agree that the cases of corruptions that do surface  show that it is millions, actually a LOT of millions. The ANC hierarchy has to stay in power to maintain this income.

So why would the ANC want to kill the white farmer in particular? Three words.

Government Land Policies.

The ANC is in trouble with its supporters over this, more so than any other issue at this moment.


“Responding to the debate on his State of the Nation Address in Parliament on Thursday afternoon, Zuma said land restitution would be carried out in accordance with the law.

He also said affirmative action did not demonstrate hatred of white people but was necessary to heal the divisions of the past.

President Jacob Zuma acknowledged criticism that government had not met its land restitution targets.

But he said this was because the willing-buyer, willing seller policy was frustrating the process and costing the government millions of rand to buy back the land.

Zuma said government would act within the law to transfer land to the majority.(Black)”

I put it to you, considering the WAY the white minority farmers are being murdered, torture, rape and bodies defiled, that this is no simple murder but and act of pure terrorism. The aim?

To get the white farmers that have survived to be those “willing sellers.”

This is just a theory, but I think it is a viable one.

In my previous article I put forward the theory of how the ANC is going about this business of murder.

Farm Murders – A Genocidal 3rd Force?



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Farm Murders – A Genocidal 3rd Force?

February 14, 2017


The other day I wrote about SONA and the possibility of a 3rd Force in this country carrying out the Farm Murders. As I said I do not believe there is a 3rd Force per se.  Even though with the latest goings on with the Sihle Balane Black Ops issue, one must wonder.

I will however put it to you that the powers that be, can and are recruiting an informal army. You can decide if it is intentional, or not. How? It is quite simple. First you run the country into the ground, amassing wealth for a select few. These select few, in office now, fail to give the majority what they have promised and simply blame the minority for all the ills and the ongoing poverty of the majority.

This the ANC has done for many years, EVERYTHING was blamed on apartheid. Eventually even the most ardent supports of the ANC found that this was wearing quite thin. Recently they have started blaming the whites for holding all the economic power in the country, so it is still the minority race that is to blame for the majority race’s hardships.

While doing all this, the leaders have simultaneously, first “dehumanized” the minority, and given them one label: Boer. You can read about one of  the   first steps needed for Genocide to succeed in this article.

Genocide in South Africa today – What makes one a BOER?

That the president of South Africa then sings songs publically about killing the Boer; after blaming him for all the countries woes, gives the majority race, an unofficial licence to slaughter these Boers.   Many high ranking ANC and EFF members have publically voiced the same sentiment.  It is not only a solution to kill Boers but your duty as a downtrodden black man.

And there you have your unofficial totally deniable  3rd Force. The CIA could not do any better.

I see many people of my own (minority) race debunking the Farm Murders, saying things like; the black people are getting murdered too. I do not dispute that we are an incredibly violent nation and we kill each other off willy nilly. Demographics will show that the most murders are in the Cape Flats, and those are neither white nor black majority areas.

I put it to you that the way the Boere are getting killed is a vastly different thing to simple murder. No other race has been held hostage, tortured, raped and killed with such malice.

Like with the Jews in Germany, will we wait too long before we cry, “Foul”?


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SONA 2017 Land Reform ; Black Ops

February 10, 2017


Never one to believe easily in these conspiracy theories about a 3rd Force, 5th Column and what not; but I am always open to new ideas and views.

The Farm Murders, I have my thesis on exactly how the ANC is recruiting, not an army but converts to carry out these missions. That I will put down on paper later, as right now with SONA been the focus of attention, a friend of mine put forward his own theory. As usual I listened and will have to think about it. I must admit with the Sihle Balane, Black Ops issue, I am giving it more credibility than I would have a few months back.

Here is.

Zuma said:

There had been a 19% decline in households involved in agriculture, from 2.9 million in 2011, to 2.3 million households in 2016.

Zuma said he would be referring the Expropriation Act back to Parliament for more public participation so that they could continue to pursue land reform and land redistribution, in line with the Constitution.

(People are leaving the business because it is now considered one of the most high risk jobs in the world!)


What if:

The ANC not only has a Black Ops operator doing the media, but some that do “Wet Work” as well?! Being   listed as a terrorist organization from the start the ANC is not bound by the Rules of Engagement one would find in the more legitimate and civilized political parties. By a deniable Black Ops, the ANC can take the land, and stay within the Constitution in the eyes of the law.

Just a thought passed on and expanded by me.


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060 953 6515

How the ANC perpetrates the SA “Rape Culture”

February 9, 2017


As I have said, I am not one that likes to follow the chain of command,  let us start at the top and work down.

ANC president Jacob Zuma basically giggled his way through the charge of rape.

Two top ANC members in E Cape face rape charges


ANC Limpopo Leader Tolly Mashamaite Charged With Rape

The list would take me all day to complete, so I will leave it there.

The next way that the present government is aiding the rape, and crime in general, is by controlling the news. Paranoid? If you think so go look at what laws are CURRENTLY on White Paper in Parliament.

Statistics cam be played anyhow, as I believe that the Official Rape Reports are. Here is what we are told and then a few things I think should be factored in.

The Official Police Report on rape tells us that in 2016 42 596 rapes were reported. Slightly down from the past few years. Check my maths here please.

42 596 / by 365 days = 117. / by 24 hours = 4 per hour.

Not so bad (Sarcasm), but is this a true refection of the situation?

No! Even in civilized countries woman are reluctant, to this day, to report rape. How much more so than here, where rape seems to be part of the culture and the men just walk away?

The Medical Research Council says while it is concerned about the prevalence of rape countrywide, it warns under-reporting is an even bigger problem.

Professor Naeemah Abrahams says the scourge of under-reporting takes place countrywide.

“We find that one in 25 women who reported that they were a victim of rape also reported it to police.”

She says, “Women often think it was their fault, that they are to blame and therefore do not report it.”

Therefore, correct me if I am wrong, the figure for rape should be worked out thus:

42 596 x 24 = 102 2304/ by 365 days = 2801. / by 24 hours = 117 per hour

Shit, as I did the math here and now as I am writing I see that the Official per Day is the same as my unofficial by hour. Strange unhappy coincidence.

I have always believed in leadership by example, it is clearly demonstrated here.

My conclusion is that the ANC plays a huge role in the horrific rape stats that this country has.

Please feel free to disparage that conclusion, but give a reasonable explanation why.

(Reasonable would not include blaming apartheid or the white man.)



View the Mexican Horse Thief’s Page

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From a Different Angle – Photography

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Get your link here. Contact Wayne Bisset.

060 953 6515





The Mandela/ANC Legacy….. Made Simple.

December 13, 2014

scorp-section-eight-logoThe fact is that both did NOTHING but ride to power by terror and piggyback.

I know that this will be disputed, never mind. Let us take the Bush War as a start. The actual soldiers fighting were mainly Namibians (SWAPO), Zambians, Cubans, some Russians, A Chinese or two, and the Angolans. I meet VERY few South African MK vets that saw combat. The finance came from both the Commies and America, Britain and Europe, ironically. And a few bank robberies in SA….

Most of the top dogs lived it up in foreign countries all over the world, sponging off those gullible twits.

Now twenty years after being GIVEN the most economically stable country in Africa, the facts speak for themselves. The Eskom situation just highlights (pun intended) the situation.

Anything that goes wrong is blamed, still, on apartheid, the race card is flashed. In fact this just shows the continued infantile behaviour of our present government, as if “Daddy” did not give them f-ing enough! The rest of the world is sick of giving, giving, giving and the obnoxious baby is in deep shit. So it sells us out to China. Years ago my history teacher use to say, “Beware the sleeping Dragon.” Our wildlife is doomed.

That is the sum of it, short and sweet, or maybe a bitter little pill for the liberal idiots to swallow?

Rhino Wars – The X Factor

August 15, 2013

scorp-section-eight-logoThere is one important factor in the effort to save the rhino that is NEVER mentioned, never mind discussed. The fact that the majority of the people, that make up the majority of the population in South Africa, either do not care or worse; see the rhino as belonging to the Whites. There is no, and never will be, a formal study or census of this. I first picked up on this about three years ago, my tracker in the Waterberg told me this. Since then I have asked a few of my Black friends to find out what the people say. The findings were not very inspiring or hopeful.

My friends,  that work at the Universities and the Hospitals, found amongst their colleagues a few that were aware of the problem, less than 1% cared about it either way. Then my friends that work in factories and ride the taxis reported what they had found. It is worse than bad. A 100% negative response. The most hopeful response was that the person did not know about the rhino. Why is that good, you ask? Because the other answers were so bad.

The majority that did know a little about the problem shrugged it off and said it was a White man’s problem. Even that is bad, but not the worst yet. A small percentage support the killing of the rhino whole heartedly. The reason being, that if they kill rhino, which belong to the White man, they are doing the “cause” some good. The way things are in South Africa right now, and the worsening Black racism is not only bad for the Whiteou, it is extremely bad for the conservation of any wild animals in South Africa.

As I have said, the Rhino Wars has to be fought on many levels, the pathetic “ Shoot a Poacher” approach is and was never the solution.

If you doubt that there are many Blacks that think this way, you are either ignorant, or do not wish to see what is in front of your eyes.  If people with a mindset that thinks it is not only acceptable but a good thing to kill little human babies, the animals are doomed.


Take this information and put it into the Pro Trade/No Trade equation. The Pro Trade want to give the very people that think this way the power of dealing in rhino horn. For that statement I will get flak. Your argument no matter what it is; is invalid. The fact is that the government will be in charge, period. The fact is that the government is filled with people that hold the above views. The fact is the head of the government, Zuma, is one of the worst. This is undeniable. He is recorded on many occasions showing his contempt for the White man. He openly supports Mugabe who has just banned all “white” things in his country.  The list is endless. Pity the rhino if the Pro Trade is victorious, it will be a hollow victory for the poor mis-informed people that actually believe they are supporting a good cause.

Please remember, this blog is… Just One Man’s Opinion.


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One, just one … Aspect…. of RAPE

May 7, 2013

scorp-section-eight-logoEvery four, yes, 4 minutes a person is raped in this Rainbow nation of mine, the ages of the victims range from a few months old babies to old grannies in their 90’s. Like the poaching of rhino, the amount of cases of rape just climb higher and higher. The longer the ruling party is in power and does NOTHING of real worth to end this it can only get worse. (A few ministers have had various chargers, sex related against them and the President, Zuma, got off on his rape charge.)

Let me categorically state; I am against ALL forms of rape and violence toward innocent people. The criminals I try not think about what my violent thoughts are, lest my thoughts, which have now become my words, become my actions.

But for the purpose of this article I would like to stick with ONE aspect of the high rape incidents in this country.

“In the resolution, passed 19 June, the Security Council noted that “women and girls are particularly targeted by the use of sexual violence, including as a tactic of war to humiliate, dominate, instil fear in, disperse and/or forcibly relocate civilian members of a community or ethnic group.”

To combat this particular abomination, that is happening as you read this, the people, of this country, and abroad HAVE to be aware that this is happening. Most do not believe it and a good many DON’T want to believe it. I did not want to believe it! After watching for a couple of years, about a month ago I decided it would be criminal of me NOT to use my meager talent of being able to string a few words together, to try make the world and thereby people that can help, aware of this shit.



Genocide in South Africa today – What makes one a BOER?

April 2, 2013

Gregory H. Stanton, President of Genocide Watch tells us:

“Genocide is a process that develops in eight stages that are predictable but not inexorable. At each stage, preventive measures can stop it. The process is not linear. Logically, later stages must be preceded by earlier stages. But all stages continue to operate throughout the process.”


“We give names or other symbols to the classifications. We name people “Jews” or “Gypsies”, or distinguish them by colors or dress; and apply the symbols to members of groups. Classification and symbolization are universally human and do not necessarily result in genocide unless they lead to the next stage, dehumanization.”

Even though I speak English and am of Scots decent I am classified as a “BOER” in the eyes of the militant ANC. That speaks volumes on its own.

Here is an independent report of the example the leading party of South Africa is already inciting and preparing the way for an even greater slaughter than is happening now.

“The ending of apartheid in South Africa did not mean that one set of bigots and racists should be replaced with another. Whether black or white, racism and intolerance is evil.
The fact that hate speech emanates from ANC politicians does not mean that it is acceptable, it is all the more reprehensible.”
Myke Mburu

“We continuously hear offensive statements from senior ANC members … and then they apologise and think it is okay,”
“We want an undertaking that they will stop making these statements as this is not acceptable.”

Afriforum’s deputy chief executive Ernst Roets,

Once a dialogue began, the first issue on the table would be the matter relating to Minister for Women, Children and People with Disabilities Lulu Xingwana, who made remarks about Afrikaner men and their “Calvinistic religion.”
Roets said her apology was not satisfactory.
“Xingwana’s utterances should be seen in the broader ANC context,” he said.
“Her remark is, as a matter of fact, just one offensive utterance in a series of utterances made recently by senior ANC leaders against Afrikaners and even Christians.”
Roets said dialogue would form part a settlement agreement reached between Afriforum and the African National Congress last year relating to the “Shoot the Boer” hate-speech case.
The out-of-court agreement on the singing of the song was made by a court order in the Supreme Court of Appeal in November last year.
Part of the settlement was that there would be continued formal dialogue in order to promote mutual understanding for respective cultural heritage and aspirations.
The struggle song containing the words “Dubul’ iBhunu” (shoot the boer) was declared hate speech by Judge Colin Lamont in the Johannesburg High Court.
AfriForum took the matter to court after Julius Malema who was ANC Youth League leader at the time repeatedly sang the song at rallies.

Since this court order President Zuma has been recorded on a few occasions singing this song, showing that he does not THINK he is above the law, he IS!

The warning signs are all too apparent here in South Africa, but typical of this country, the set pattern is about face, and the killings have started already. To keep updated on the slaughter of the farmers follow this Australian based page


This BOER that is not even really a BOER takes exemption to what is happening here.


Not so Proudly South African

February 8, 2013

scorp-section-eight-logoThe Rhodesians were fortunate in one way, when their country was taken over and made into a “free democracy”. The new leaders changed the name of their country to Zimbabwe, there by giving all decent Rhodesians the right to remain, proudly Rhodesian. I wish this bunch of criminals that took over my country had changed the name to Anzania, or what ever the hell they wanted to call it, then I too could have remained, proudly South African.

Now I know that some are going to jump in and shout that if I hate the country so much and am so terribly ashamed of it I should leave. This is not possible, for I do not hate the country, nor all the people that live in it, I love my African bush, and will NOT leave. What I hate is the collective consciousness or collective conscience, that the former terrorist, yes terrorist, government has installed in the people. Viva ANC!  With the best democratic constitution in the world, you managed to ruin it.

To list all the corruption, murder, genocide and other crimes; direct and by negligence would take all day as it covers the whole fabric of  this societies make up.

But this is not a recent thing, here are some statistics that are two years old already.

Sex offender

Update 04/02/14

Some national statistics that will shock you

1) Highest crime rate in the world

2) Highest electricity price in the world

3) 3rd highest food prices in the world

4) Highest unemployment in Africa.

5) Most expensive cellular rates in the world

6) Highest number of rapes in the world

7) 4th highest murder rate in the world

8) Country with the most public protests in the world (2013)

9) Highest number of AIDS in the world

10) President (leader) with the lowest education (grade5)

11) 5th lowest GPD in the world out of 176 countries

12) Highest GINI in the world (inequality)

13) Highest depreciating currency in the world 2013

14) Largest infrastructure project in the world. (Medupi)

15) Highest number of Hijackings in the world

16) Highest number of infant murders in the world

17) Highest elderly (over 65) rapes in the world

18) Voted worst education system in the world 2013

19) Most expensive presidential home in the world
20) Highest teenage pregnancies in the world

(Stats Provided by 3rd Degree)

I for one am not proud to be part of this not so “New South Africa”, there is no honour here.

An example of how the ANC protects its little citizens, the future of this land.

SA is failing its Children.

A compilation of my Strange Classrooms is soon to be released, please “Like” and  keep an eye on this page.


Here is a story of developing and breaking an addiction, while dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome at the same time.


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Obama’s New Word & World – Dhimmitude

February 24, 2011

The world’s second most famous black man, that really isn’t really a black man at all, according to us South Africans, he would be a coloured man; who also happens to sort of run the worlds most powerful so called Christian democracy, is Obama. Is this New America really Christian? Or even a democracy? Hell, and here I thought we had shit with Zuma and Malema! Read what a friend of mine has to say about Dhimmitude and American law.

Obama used it in the health care bill.

Now isn’t this interesting? It was used in the health care law.

Every day there’s another revelation of what Obama and his fellow Democrats are doing to our country.

Dhimmitude — I had never heard the word until now. Type it into Google and start reading. Pretty interesting. It’s on page 107 of the healthcare bill. I looked this up on Google and yep, it exists. It is a REAL word.

Word of the Day: Dhimmitude

Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam.

ObamaCare allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be “gambling”, “risk-taking”, and “usury” and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this.

How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivables, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health needs paid for by the de facto government insurance.. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. Period. This is Dhimmitude.

Dhimmitude serves two purposes: It enriches the Muslim masters AND serves to drive conversions to Islam. In this case, the incentive to convert to Islam will be taken up by those in the inner-cities as well as the godless Generation X, Y, and Z types who have no moral anchor. If you don’t believe in Christ to begin with, it is no problem whatsoever to sell Him for 30 pieces of silver. “Sure, I’ll be a Muslim if it means free health insurance and no taxes. Where do I sign, bro?”

I recommend sending this post to your contacts. This is desperately important and people need to know about it — quickly!

Checked this out with Snopes and it is true.

by OLY